Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Ahh the end of January! 
Flown by. 
It's been a very positive month and life is overall great!

One of my newer hobbies that has yet to be introduced to my blog
is my curiosity with eating a Vegan diet and cooking
plant based, whole food meals at home!

One of my New Year Resolutions was to cook more at home,
as well as eat/be healthier overall.
I have been a pescetarian for over 6 years now 
-meaning i was a vegetarian but still ate seafood.
Over the last 4-6 months i have made a conscious effort
to try and eliminate all dairy products from my diet as well.
With a number of slip ups, mind you.
Limiting dairy was more for my health rather than 'belief'-
dairy just made me feel not my best in general, 
and i felt i could do without it.
I still do eat seafood but it is once in a while- because i actually do
like seafood!

For Christmas i got perhaps the most influential book i have ever read.
It is called "The China Study" written by T. Colin Campbell and his son.
I became a vegetarian because i knew i could live without eating meat.
I didn't need it to be happy and healthy.
Of course i love animals, but i know that animals are used for food 
and it wasn't my intention to stop those around me from eating meat,
or make them feel uncomfortable in the fact that i choose not to.
(Nutrition and health is truly a personal choice, not to be forced onto anyone!)

But this book changed my focus on what being a Vegan can actually do for you.
It doesn't mean I am a hippie, or that i *gasp* don't wear leather.
(because i do!)
Dr. Campbell shows you how one's diet is the most CRUCIAL
way to stay healthy for your entire life.
Over 40 years of comprehensive research have gone into making
The China Study, and it proves, countlessly, that a diet that is
rich in plant based, whole foods can and will
reduce, reverse, and even prevent many of the ails that 
our Western Society is accustomed to.
(High blood pressure, some common cancers, obesity, some forms of diabetes,
autoimmune diseases, as well as effects on bone, kidney, eye and brain diseases)

Campbell states that Western societies are killing themselves
through breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Our lives of affluence is the problem, a problem
that many rural, eastern countries have no clue about.
As the richest, (arguably) most educated-well informed society that 
has complete access to healthcare and medicine should we
not be ... a little healthier?
What's the bottom line here?

You really must read it to believe it for yourself-
if you are interested in broadening your knowledge
on health and nutrition.

I am very open minded, i like to read things and
take from them what i choose to at that moment
and maybe go back to the bigger picture later.
Yet, after reading this book i am ready to embrace 
plant based eating. 

If you aren't much of a reader (shame on you! kidding!)
then the documentary
"Forks Over Knives"
sums up Dr. Campbell and his research on The China Study.
So the least you can do is watch the hour and a half documentary!

With ALL of that being said....
I am cooking more at home!
Here is what i made for dinner last night

Veggie, Seeds and Quinoa stuffed Acorn Squash

Colourful, filling and delicious! 

Leave a comment if interested in the recipe,
i feel as if i have done enough typing for one post!

Happy Wednesday!

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