last friday the girls were on Ellen, but i had to tape
it because of my hectic weekend!
needless to say i just watched their small segment.
they go through the usual backstory of working since 9 months
old etc. and how they are now business savvy billionaires....
although i know all of this information,
they captivate me so much still!
i was glued to the t.v. and the interview.
i felt they were more relaxed on Ellen then they are on other talk-shows.
it was nice
the girls looked beautiful!!!
the above photo obviously doesn't do them justice,
but i couldn't track a better one down.
Ellen gives them 'gifts' because she knows what they like...
oversized bags and sunnies
weekend updates to come later!
when my homework is done :)
bahahaha the pic does so much justice im glad u picked it!! made me laughhh