i think in all of my self take photos i am on the verge of laughter,
for no apparent reason. i must amuse myself...
blazer: necessary objects. tank: h&m. cheetah blouse: thrifted.
harem pants: zara. shoes: DIY (by my friend Jordan).
rings: F21, local designer, and the redish stone one from Greece :)
start off with this cheetah print blouse. (beware, pointless story ahead) :)
yesterday my sister and i were heading to work and doing all the prep work etc.
when she informed me that 'today is some huge sale at the thrift store'
our local thrift store is obviously cheap anyways, but that day they were
putting out 'the best' stuff or something.
since we employ ourselves we made time to head over there to check it out.
little did i understand how important this sale was. it seemed to awake quite a few people in our little town. they had line ups where you had to take numbers and everything!
i was boggled.
although it makes sense, since this is such a small town, and if the thrift shop is having a sale then you may as well hit it up...
however the line up was so long and our number wasn't being called we had to leave :(
but i did find this shirt in the clothing section of the place.
i grabbed it just for the sake of grabbing something and my sister and i looked at eachother...we had the same look, "well....you can make something out of that, maybe..."
for $4 how could i not.
moving on..
today is my day off! (except i work tonight at my new job, which i already love a lot more!)
i may meet my boyfriend for lunch and just do random errands.
the weather definitely took a turn over here. hence the pants and jacket!
but since it has yet to rain (fingers crossed) i decided to sport these little white shoes, knowing they will not find much use for the next 6 months.
little summery still! i bought them off my friend Jordan, who put the studs on herself, she is very crafty. lucky for me they no longer fit her :)
enjoy your thursday!
busy, busy weekend ahead!
also: heading to Osoyoos with the gals next week!