Friday, May 28, 2010

you're so last summer

it was a pretty huge day today, and its only 3:30!
big news on the way hopefully.
i went to a Spin class today, and i liked it! but i think i had more fun doing the step classes.
these photos are of the baby chicks at my family farm, so cute!!! and only one day old!
i wuuuuvv themmmmmm
TONIGHT is Sex and the City 2!! unfortunately i have heard mixed reviews.
i don't really listen to film reviews, so we shall just wait and see how it is!

ALSO....i just purchased these shoes online...i love them nearly as much as the baby chicks.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

in times like these

New Faves

(left to right)
You Don't Know Jacques!
Clubbing Til Sunrise
Tickle My France
Brisbane Bronze
Parlez-Vous Opi?

Monday, May 24, 2010

your lipstick, his collar, don't bother angel. i know exactly what goes on

long weekend over :(
i hope the sun stays!

p.s.- how do all of you store your purses??
-lay them flat?
-hang them?
-put them on display?
-cram them into the depths of your closet?
any feedback would help! i'm having space issues, and purses take up room

sup Tavi!

=what we should live (and dress) by

Saturday, May 22, 2010

welcome to the machine

i just played my first three games of baseball in four years and other than gaining a natural glow (sunburn), extremely sore muscles (all over) and playing well (losing),
i would say it was pretty successful.
i had a great time! hahah

before those unfortunate events i had a Great lunch with my gals!
so nice to sit for hours and catch up. we then continued to the park to
frolic amongst the grass and throw the baseball around.
what a lovely long weekend
and there is still two days left!!
this will be a great summer

hope your weekend has been awesome so far!
here's a few photos

Friday, May 21, 2010

Long Weekend!!

Well to kick off my long weekend my friend Brooke and I went to a Step Class this morning. And let me tell you those classes are ridiculously more tiring than first expected... this was my second class of the week and i am getting a hang of it more.
To all you ladies out there
and take a friend.
because it is really great cardio and definitely will help your summer physique.
But take plenty of water!

I'm headed out to lunch with the gals and then
a hopefully (rainless) fun weekend of baseball.
Followed by Andy's final birthday party evening on sunday.

What are your long weekend plans?!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

i'm gonna take you for worse or better

Decided to kick off my Summer reading list with all the novels i purchased last summer, but never had an opportunity to crack open, until now!
Here's what i will be reading:

Great Expectations
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Oliver Twist
The Iliad
Wuthering Heights

My Grade 12 English Literature Professor would be so proud
What makes your summer reading list!?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

meet me half way

So today when i left to meet brandon for lunch, visit my mama, and do my errands it was totally sunny out and i embraced it!
okay, it wasn't as sunny as last week, but i was locked in the house last week because i was sick so i could only NOW wear something summery and fun....i made it work.
little did i know later on it would start raining
and i'm sure everyone thought i was dressed silly.
LITTLE did THEY know i looked awesome hours previous.....

damn you west coast weather!
(but i still love you xoxo)

the above photo is actually me trying to get away from a bee. all caught on self timer. c'est la vie


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

and the streets don't change, but maybe the name


my kitty sleeps on my bed

For after all, the best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I don't mind the rain, i like the smell of it and how
it makes everything appear clean and healthy.
Enjoy your day!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


just got home from Seattle!
my sister and i go about twice a year together and it was a lovely time!
i am nearrrrlllyyy over my sickness, retail therapy definitely helped.
we got some really awesomeawesome stuff and i am so pleased!
and i finally DO hope to blog an outfit one of these days

this week i look forward to hanging with my boyfriend
and riding bikes with friends

enjoy your sunny days to the best of your ability!

ps- new steve madden wedges = the bomb.