so what if december is a year away or that my birthday isn't for six months?
these are the things i want !!
i am going through a big opi nail polish fetish most recently..those colors in my opening post were all that i got for Christmas (second best gifts in my eyes..first being my new Marc bag :-).. )
these two colors are my next venture. Sand in my Suit and Black Onyx. with the whole neutral hues taking over this S/S 2010 'Sand in my Suit' is my must have. and Black just because it is handy once and a while and i am surprised i don't already own it?!
Next up on my radar...
I have seen them around campus and think they would be a good substitute for my mini-tonka moccasins, same brand but full foot coverage.
Full foot coverage=warm toes. Amen to that.
problem is which style?! i already have knee high boots that lace up, so perhaps the ones that zip at the back are my ideal.
Last and certainly not least i am liking any edgy black ankle boot.
studded? great. wedged? sure thing. beautiful? yes.
These bad boys are the Sam Edelman 'Zoe' look alike of an old Balenciaga boot ... they would do.
They would spice up any dull outfit paired with jeans and plaid.
(my dream 'dressed down' outfit)
Zara has a really killer pair that unfortunately for me my sister snagged before i had the chance! They are pretty and i cannot find a photo just now. perhaps later...